Opening hours can be found on the right hand side of this page.

You can buy from us online if you can’t get to come to Bude.  See information on each artist below.

Lesley Ann has a website where you can see examples of her work and contact her to buy something.

Marie has an Etsy shop where you can buy her work and contact her for commissions.  She also has a business Facebook page with a shop so you can buy from her there too.

Jane has a website with an online shop.

Siobhan has Instagram and Facebook pages and will be setting up an online shop soon.

We are happy to take commissions.  You can find out more information and contact links on our websites or social media pages.  You will need to discuss timelines and postage costs directly with the relevant artist, but we do recommend giving us at least 3 weeks notice for any commission work.  If it is more urgent than you can discuss this with the artist and if they can do it sooner they will do their best.